Journey Terminus
Bible Study Community
Moving Forward In Spiritual Disciplines

What path are you on? Come and walk with others in Life and Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus our Savior
Study with believers and share with other the entire revelation of GOD in the Bible.
When we seek him in everything, we see, hear, and follow the best path for our like in Christ, our true Identity in Him who saves us!
Place the relationship with God first in your live above everything else. It should penetrate all aspects of your life including your family life, work, involvement in your church and every other aspect of life.
The relationship with your family is next begins with your spouse. It sets the example for your children and others. Children, parents, and other family members (in that order) are priorities after meeting your spouse’s needs.
Work is important to meet the basic needs of the family. You are working too much if it causes conflict with your relationship with God, your spouse or other family members.
Your relationship with God will result in involvement in church activities but you should not be overcommitted where it causes conflict with your relationship with God, your family or work.
Other activities such as sporting events, hobbies, car or yard maintenance, etc. should not be placed above your relationship with God, your spouse’s desires, family activities, work or involvement in church.